Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well as far as I'm concerned a garage WOD doesn't get any better than "IRON" and "METAL"!! Lifting iron and blasting metal what an afternoon. Today's WOD was the Push Press 5sets of 5 reps working to a maximum weight. I raised my carcass out of bed about 1pm, turned on the garage heater (to warm up the iron) and made myself a protein shake. Headed to the garage turned on the tunes and warmed up. Did a few light sets of the push press because I didn't really know where to start for weight, Coach Brandt wanted us to go up by 5 or 10 pounds per set reaching our 5RM by the 4th or 5th set. So I started at 115# went by 10# increments and ended up getting to a 5RM of 165#. I took 4-5 minute breaks (Some people take longer) between sets which is a must when doing reps for maximum weight, you want to make sure you use everything you have each set. I tried 170# but could only squeak out 3 decent ones. It took me 6 sets instead of 5 to get to my 5RM but I got there. I'm happy with this, hoisting your bodyweight over your head 5 times with just a hip thrust is pretty decent.
I videoed myself today and need to concentrate on staying back on my heels a bit more. I had a tendancy to shift forward and push with my toes which causes the bar path to get out of the vertical plane. If you push your ass back while keeping a straight back and just using a slight hip pop the bar path should be straight up. Mine was a bit out front and then up. This wastes part of the hip pop and puts more strain on the shoulders as they are pressing more, basically the hip pop energy should be exerted straight up that way taking stress off the shoulders.
So this is night 2/3 for me, I will be doing another garage WOD tomorrow. I'm not sure which one I'll do, it pretty much depends on the weather. We have had high winds the last couple days so if it is windy I will most likely be doing a WOD I missed last week which can all be done inside. Unless tomorrows tech day WOD is something I can do in my garage.
Before the WOD as part of my warm-up I worked on my circle kip for my pull-ups. I think I have the hang of it which is good because they look way more efficient than the ones I do now. Can't wait to see what happens when I get proficient enough to use them in WOD's.
Until next time Sean'O out!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm stealing that Metallica .jpg and saving it to my hard drive.

    165# for 5?! You're getting strong, old man.
