Friday, November 27, 2009



"I'm not going to get into it right now"
(I crack myself up)but for those of you who follow my Blog who are not avid crossfitters we had an unfortunate event happen within our "Crossfit Community". Look it up if you are interested, It was the recent black box summit. I just thought I would have some fun with it.

Back to business the past WOD's:

November 23rd

Strength Development Day = Hang Squat Cleans 3-3-3-3-3

Basically what happens with this lift is you have the weight hanging down around your thighs (holding onto the bar with a hook grip. Stick your ass out with a slight bend forward at the hips. You want to pretend you have a sandbag on your back that you are trying to get off. You are thrusting your hips so that the weight will head straight up in the vertical plane. As you are doing this you are coming up on your toes leaning back of course with straight arms (At no point are you "muscling" the weight with your arms)When the weight is on its way up you "push" yourself down under the bar so you can cushion it on the way down. As you move under the bar you must change your grip so you can catch the weight on your "front rack" position. Once you catch the weight you go down into a full squat position and then stand up. Before this day I had never really done a hang squat clean, as a matter of fact I can only remember once doing a day where we did squat cleans. Normally Coach Brandt would say work to a 3RM on these lift days but instead wanted everyone to work on form. So a heavy set of 3 but keep form in tact. I worked my way up to 3 X 145# . My strength on these lifts is that I'm quick getting under the weight. The quicker you are the less height the weight has to go in the air.

November 24th

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

10 Chest to deck Pushups
10 Power cleans (95#)

Whenever you see AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) the WOD is gonna hurt!! Seeing 20 minutes really hurts, especially when you put an Olympic lift in the mix!! Even though 95# is relatively light you know in 20 minutes you are going to be doing a whole lot of them, therefore it is key to keep form in tact. Chest to deck push-ups are exactly what it says, chest touches the floor every rep. Yes the chest, not the stomach or knees, the chest. It is amazing how much the extra 4 inches to the ground makes. Well I managed 14 rounds and 9 push-ups which I thought was pretty good. The push-ups were actually the weak link I really fractioned them up. The secret to the AMRAP is just to keep going without stopping at whatever pace you need.

November 26th


25 Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts (135#)
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps (24")
50 Floor Wipers (135#) (video's on youtube)
50 35# Kettlebell clean and press (25/arm)
25 Pull-ups

Time 19:10
The last time I did this WOD I got a time of 28:30 (using 95# for the deadlifts and 25# for the clean and press) so a huge improvement. I'm still not elated with the time but I did just get up after a nightshift and head straight into my garage to do this one. It seemed as though things started slowing down at the Box Jumps. To keep the box jumps legit you have to jump and land with your feet completely on the box, standing fully erect at the top. I knew on some of the floor wipers my knees were bent therefore my legs not completely straight like they should be. By the time I got to the clean and press I felt fried, these were sloppy on my part. My legs were fried from the deadlifts/box jumps and my arms were fried from benchpressing the floor wiper weight. Even though the better your form is on the clean and press the faster and more efficient you will get them done. HOWEVER that said, when you are in survival mode the only thing you are thinking about is to keep going and finish up not really worrying about form. By the time I got to the last 25 pull-ups, this is embarassing but I was doing them in 2's and 3's. I had major blood throat and a rug burned back when I was done, couldn't keep the shirt on it was too hot plus I'm too cool. (Yeah right)

Anyways, I'm heading to Whitefish this weekend and Crossfit Flathead in Kalispell is closed (American Thanksgiving) so I may try and hit a gym somewhere and tear it up during the weekend. If not I'll take the weekend off and hit it hard Tuesday night.

Until next time Sean'O out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on these WODs, Sean'O, especially 300!! That's a huge PR.
