Sunday, October 31, 2010

Forging Forward and Updating the Past

To whomever may be coming across my blog or active followers. It has been a pretty rough year for my wife and I, and it is finally starting to come back on track. I took the summer off of Crossfit to focus on personal issues and just an overall break. That said lets update:

The last weekend in August I attended the Level 1 Crossfit Certification in Calgary, Alberta. I received my level one certification and am now starting to coach at our Crossfit affiliate. I'm honored to have the opportunity to coach at our gym, I believe we have a great knowledge base amongst our coaches and there are always training opportunities available.I also got the honor of attending an olympic weightlifting coaches certification course our affiliate owner set up for us at our gym this month. November 27-28th we are getting a "Functional Movement" course at our affiliate. The training is available to us so I am taking full advantage of it.

I recently read Robb Wolf's book "The Paleo Solution". It's a must read to learn about the science behind eating, sleeping and exercise. I'll say no more other than buy it or borrow it but do read it.
I am in the process of reading "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Taubes. It's a good one too, it is basically explaining how we got swindled into believing in a shitty food guide set out by our government, USA included.

I'm slowly but surely getting back into the WOD's full scale, boy weights sure seem heavy. There are alot of new members now that I'm back and coaching I'm really gonna have to concentrate on names and faces, faces I'm good at names not so much.

Lately I've been sourcing alot of paleo recipes and have been cooking alot, I'm going to start sharing recipes and giving you my $.02 on them.

Recipe of the week:

All I can say is these green beans kicked ass. My wife and I both liked them I highly recommend them. The site has some pretty good recipes on it, and of course good for you.


October 28, 2010

Sit-ups (unanchored)
Between each set 20 close grip push-ups
Time: 12:37

Close grip push-ups were singles in the last set, lunges and sit-ups were unbroken.

October 29,2010

Deadlift (Wendler style) 3 X 5rep with last set being AMRAP
Rowing 30seconds of work followed by 1 min of rest X 10 sets counting total meters = 1535m
AMRAP pushups

This day was a pretty off day for me. Either my mind wasn't in it or I've developed an allergy to lifting heavy $hit off the ground. The deadlifts seemed massively heavy and I completely forgot about the pushups. Heaviest set of 5 I could muster today was 275# which was completely disapointing. A few weeks back i couldn't get 345# off the ground......must be mental......I'll get there again after all my buddy Mike has a 1RM well over 400# now and I used to only be about 15 or 20# behind so I have some catching up to do.

October 30, 2010

Working nights so I missed the WOD today, but because I coach I have a key to the gym so I went in the afternoon and did a pile of Overhead squats.

3sets X 5reps
115#-125#-135#Fail only got 2 - 125#

I did alot of warm-up reps, I should have got 135# but my shoulders were quivering and tired and I think my core isn't as strong as it once was. My legs have alot more in them just core and shoulders.Again.......I'll get back there.

Until next week Sean'O out!