Thursday, October 29, 2009

MISCONCEPTIONS about Crossfit!!

Today is rest day as far as workouts are concerned. Which is a good thing considering my quads and calves are extremely tight. I'm going to have to get a real good warm up pre-wod tomorrow.

Alright so I probably should have addressed this issue when I first started up the Blog, but I will do it now. I'm going to clear up some misconceptions and questions, my opinion only but I'm sure more will share them with me!!

1.) I have to be in "Elite" shape to join crossfit.

This statement couldn't be more false!! How do you think the Elite atheletes got in the shape they are in? At our gym when someone new comes in they are made to learn the very fundamentals of crossfit, the movements without weights, stretches, warm-ups and the "once around" the gym. As a matter of fact they are made to take "Fundamental" courses before they are allowed to start coming to regular workouts. The coaches then assess the level of fitness and "scale" workouts accordingly. Example the other day we did the Filthy 50's, well instead of 50 reps of each exercise some people did 35. Weights, pull-ups, dips I could go on and on, there are lots of functional exercises that can be substituted until you have the proper ability to do the workouts "required". Yes at first the warm-up is a workout in itself but eventually a warm-up is all it will be.

2.)Crossfit is expensive!!

OK, again this is my opinion!! I don't know what a gym membership costs these days but let me tell you what I get from Crossfit. I know the gym gives you clean towels, TV to watch, fancy "nutrition drinks" and mirrors for the "Juice Monkeys" to salivate at. As for fitness, that's up to you BUD!!

A.)Crossfit gives you top notch instruction (at our gym) every class.
B.)Crossfit gives you programmed workouts to guarantee intensity, even if they are scaled. I know after every workout I'm going to be on the floor. What other sport/gym has a mascot of a puking clown?? Need I say more?
C.)Crossfit gives me a positive environment to train in with a whole bunch of support from other members/coaches who are there for the same reason.
D.)We get the opportunity to take other courses such as Olympic lifting training, endurance training, Nutrition, gymnastics all because our coaches have the background.
E.)At our location I can go any day of the week at any scheduled time and there will be a coach and a workout waiting, or I can go in and work on some exercises that I need to practice. Sometimes just to hang out and have a coffee.
F.)For fun our gym participates in local runs, organizes dodgeball games, crossfit competitions, It's a whole lot of fun plus you are insanely fit.
Hope you have the picture by now. Believe me when I say this: "It's money well spent!"

3.) Lot's of people that do crossfit get hurt or injured.

In my experience the only people that get hurt or injured are people that attempt something they shouldn't be doing, have an inadequate warm-up or have a recurring injury that has surfaced while doing crossfit. Let's face it you are doing high intensity workouts here, we all should have an idea of where are limits are, "Listen to your body". Ego's are not well accepted in a Crossfit gym, there is always someone that can crush you in an exercise or WOD. Just because you see other people doing exercises with lots of weight doesn't mean you can. Remember it has taken people a long time to get to where they are at and you will appreciate it one day. Know your limits and listen to your coach/coaches and you'll be fine.

It's up to you but I would rather workout at a gym like this:

Than This!!

Of course i'm biased towards crossfit because of the results i've personally received from it. Watch some videos on and tell me these people aren't the fittest/strongest people on the planet.......HONESTLY!!


  1. I think #3, the injury rate, is what a lot of folks get stuck on. I agree 100% that re-occuring or pre-existing injuries surface quite quickly with Crossfit; the highly-fuctional movements have an uncanny ability to expose weaknesses and imbalance.

    Indentifying these areas early, preventing further injury by scaling/individualizing WODs, and strengthening weaknesses/imbalances is the key. Just my 2 cents.

  2. There are overuse injuries in CrossFit though, just like any sport. The powers that be in CrossFit HQ will argue otherwise, but Tucker and I had a lengthy discussion regarding overuse injuries in CrossFit training. Wrists and shoulders are two of the biggest ones, then the hip is a close 3rd.
