Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Domesticated Man

First I must appologize, now that I have a few interested readers besides my buddy "Mike" I will try to be more diligent in posting every day. It is difficult for me to post every day with work, teaching and.......... go ahead laugh but unlike most men I'm not embarassed to say that I'm domesticated around the house. There "ain't" nothin I don't do around the house....well one thing, I don't dust or wipe $#it down, don't believe in it. I'd rather vaccum and do 3 loads of laundry than clean the $#itter.

Anyways back to business. On Monday we did the "Filthy 50's" WOD, to make it short it's 500 reps of the "simplest" functional movements crossfit offers. Now interpret simplest the way you want. 500 reps divided into 10 exercises thus the 50's check it out under my "named wods" link. So last time I completed it in 31:09, I did reach my goal of under 27min, my time was 26:37. A funny thing happened during the WOD, while doing the presses my arms started moving faster than my face and I nearly took my nose off with the bar, thought it was starting to bleed. Then when I was finished and dropped the bar on the floor I crushed the damn chalk pail, well it exploded, I felt bad and vacuumed it up later. SO I was screaming through the workout until I got to Wallballs then my wheels fell off, I squatted down for the 30th wallball and fell backwards. Now I don't know how many of you have pushed yourself this hard but you know the feeling when all of a sudden you feel the blood running out of your head and a huge sensation of vomitting comes over you? Kind of like coming home from the bar hammered, lying down on your bed and hanging on for dear life because it feels like you are on the super himalya ride at the fair going round and round. OK YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW!! Well I gathered my shit together and the last 120 reps took an eternity. So I believe that's what they call the "WALL" I did reach my goal though. It's amazing how funny a torturous workout can be from the words of a crossfitter isn't it??

OK now yesterday Coach Brandt had mercy on us. We had a moderate lifting day of 5 sets of 3 reps push jerk. So I worked my way up to a 3 rep max of 165#(bodyweight)and worked alot on technique with lower weights, the push jerk is very important for heavy overhead lift WODS like "Grace" who I want another shot at.

I know why Coach took it so easy on us yesterday!! Because today we did Chelsea. Well i've done her before, her dad is actually quite a nice guy, he and I have something in common: We both like cigars!! My last best at Chelsea was 10 rounds, this time I hit 15, yes she goes like the energizer bunny. I lost form on the 15th round of push-ups, yep 140 is about as many as I can do properly it seems. In all seriousness though I did improve even though I was still feeling the effects of the Filthy 50's I just kept saying to myself 1 more round. Coach Brandt kept saying go to that happy place.......well it took me a few rounds to think of one and by that time the happiest place I could think of was the floor, my chest and legs were burning so bad.....funny thing though I did end up in my happy place. I still finished the 15th on time but to keep the workout legit you must do the reps somewhat properly, if the range of motion on the push-ups sucks you must quit because those reps don't count. I would say a legit 14 rounds being totally honest with myself is what I got today.

Tomorrow will be a well deserved rest day for this old carcass, good thing because I start nights tonight. Rah Rah Rah shish boom bah for nights!! I'll post tomorrow and I have a few more nutritional/body recovery secrets I've learned which I will share as well. Good night!!

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