Monday, October 26, 2009


Let me come clean right now and say "I DID NOT WOD IT LAST NIGHT!" I had a few reasons or excuses whatever suits you!
1.) I had to scrub a virus off of my laptop when I got home which took me a friggin hour. Those god damn people that create viruses rank right up there with people I would like to severely hurt!!
2.) Our programming at the gym is a 3on and 1off right now and yesterday was an "extra wod" or "day off" so I decided that I would workout the next 3 days in a row and keep with the programming.
3.) I haven't seen much of my wife lately so I ate a bowl of popcorn and watched "Our hometown girl" win the dancing title on tv with her. Rah! Rah!

So back to "I can't find my nuts"! I'll give you a little background before I tell the story. I'm one of those people that goes crazy when I can't find something. Where are the car keys, where is my cell phone, where is the cordless phone, you get my point. If my wallet goes missing I get into a complete panic.(I'm not sure why there is never any money in it anyway) This morning after having a $hitty sleep because of the howling wind keeping me up all night, I'm getting my meals prepped for work, I can't find my damn pecans, my wife nicely cleaned up the pantry and now I can't find them. I'm a morning person but not a nice one until I have my coffee, well not being able to find my nuts just threw me for a loop. Now what?? What am I going to take for fat?? Anyways I calmed down and after a while, went through the pantry again and found them. RELIEF I FOUND MY NUTS the day can go on.

Tonight we are doing the "Filthy Fifties" I've been waiting a long time to do this WOD again. Last time I believe it was in excess of 31 minutes, I'll better that tonight even though I feel very tired today.

One thing I am going to mention about my workout/preparation and general living is that my diet comprises of about 80-90% of my success in Crossfit. Believe it or not it has taken more than a year to dial it in to where I think I am pretty close to optimum. I started by following the "zone" diet and just tweaking amounts and proportions of food to find what I needed. When I'm working you'll find that I eat similar meals, this is because I will for example: fill the barbeque with chicken or make a huge salad a day before I go on shift so it is easy for me to get my meals ready the days I am working. My days are long and I really don't feel like preparing much. A typical day: I'm up at 05:00 work at 06:30-18:30 and straight to Crossfit for the 19:00 class. So by the time I get home from Crossfit my day is 15.5 hours long already.
So as I was saying, diet is very important to me, I haven't had fast food in over a year, I haven't drank pop other than a few alcoholic drinks here and there in over a year. There are alot of studies right now about "grains" and how they aren't good for you, so I've cut back huge on bread. Back in the day when sandwiches were my staple lunch I would probably eat 1/2 to 3/4 of a loaf of bread per day, enough carbs to induce a coma. Now I eat maybe 1 piece every two days!! I'm going to leave the deeper explanations of food and diet to the experts. Check out my buddy's site "Confessions of a crossfit coach", he's very knowledgable as he has attended a Crossfit Nutrition Certification course and takes in information like a sponge. Anyways he has some good links to other nutrition sites as well.

Breakfast (05:30)

3eggs,1/2 cup eggwhite omelette with bacon bits (Eggs are an absolute staple)
1/3 cup of Steel cut oats with a couple tablespoons of almond butter
1 Fish oil soft gel

2nd Breakfast (I feel like a Hobbit) (09:30-10:00)

Protein shake 40g of protein powder, 1.5 cups of mangoes, tablespoon of almond butter
1 fish oil softgel

Snack (13:30-14:00)

3-4oz of bbq chicken breast
2 cups of organic green beans
1 apple

Supper (17:30-18:00)

Tuna melt consisting of:
1 can of tuna, 1 piece of whole grain bread, 1oz of cheese
2 cups of organic green beans
1 fish oil softgel

I will have one more snack that will consist of approximately 20-25g of protein, 30-35 g of carbs and a $#itload of fat before bed. If I get hungry between meals or snacks I usually eat handfuls of nuts. After a long WOD like todays I will down another protein shake as soon as I get home just like my morning shake except without the fat (almond butter), it's a recovery thing, again i'll leave that to the experts!! I will be back to post how the WOD went and anything else I can think of writing to entertain "anyone who is reading??".


  1. Only another Crossfitter could relate to the panic of "Where the hell am I going to get my FAT?!?!!?!" :)

    And thanks for the plug...hopefully, I can get some more informative posts up once I'm back in town.

    Great post Sean, love the way your blog is developing. The sidebar add-ons rock!

  2. Good reading Sean'O. I must say I cracked up a few times reading this (hobbit reference, and the OCD where are my nuts title, ha!)

    Couldn't agree with you more on the nutrition side either - i've invested significant time and effort over the past two months dialing in my nutrition and the payoff in performance at the gym has been phenomenal!

    It's always interesting to read what other zoners are eating for their meals too - I'm sure you've gotten into a mundane phase where you get bored eating the same stuff all the time. Keep up the good work, i'm an interested reader!


  3. Great work Sean'O. I am enjoying your blog. People like yourself and Mike are a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Us who lag behind a bit are learning lots - especially with the nutrition.
