Monday, January 11, 2010

New lifting shoes.......YEAH!!

Well today I received my new lifting shoes just in time because tomorrow is "crossfit total" day at our gym. I'm taking the attitude that I should have the proper equipment to do a proper job, therefore after alot of procrastination I decided to finally purchase some, after all this was my birthday gift from my wife so I finally  cashed in. Last time we did front squats I tried on a pair of Coach Fyfe's Nike Romaleo's. They increase the stability of your feet massively and also have an elevated heel to help with form and pushing from the heels during lifts. I chose the "Do-Wins" made by Pendlay Barbell mainly because they are affordable but also because they are sold by "Catalyst Athletics" a well known olympic lifting training center (among other athletic training).

So I took a some time off around new years to visit some family out of town. My first WOD back was:

January 4, 2010

"A case of the Mondays"

Front Squat
3 rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups (un-anchored)
30 Squats

This day I used Coach Fyfe's lifting shoes. On the front squat I worked up to a 5 RM  PB of 170#. I really have to work on my strength training, it is quite weak. I'm trying to lift heavier weight working up to a 5RM. As for the WOD I clocked a time of 4:50. Un anchored sit-ups are difficult to do but they do isolate the abs where as anchored sit-ups you can use a bit of legs.

January 5, 2010

"Hockey Night in Canada"

5min row for distance
4 minute rest
5min row for distance

1st row: 1366m
2nd row: 1287m

This was a difficult WOD, I chose to just pick a constant pace and stick with it. Some people chose to do intervals such as 30 seconds full out and then a slow active row for 30 seconds and repeat for the full 5 minutes. My strategy seemed to work for me, I'm happy with my distances since rowing is not a strength of mine.

January 6, 2010

3-3-3 Deadlift
5 rounds of:
10 Pushpress @ 75#
15 Powerlunges/leg

Deadlifts I never managed to get a 3RM today I did 315#-325#-325#X2. I am pulling more overall weight although the last rep on the 3rd set the bar started to slip so I had to let it go. As for the WOD I clocked a time of 5:12. The power lunges are a very difficult exercise, basically instead of doing a normal walking lunge you stay in the same spot and power out of a lunge getting air and then coming down with the opposite knee down and leg forward all throught the movement keeping your chest high. My legs were thrashed after this one, round 2 they started to really get fatigued, the push presses were pretty managable only being 75#.

January 9, 2010

"Saturday WOD"

AMRAP Bodyweight Backsquats(Approx 20 reps)
Rest 4 minutes

AMRAP Kettlebell swings

Well there was no way I was getting 20 backsquat reps at bodyweight, especially since the night before I had indulged in a few too many "Norcal Margaritas". I scaled it down to 115# and did 31 reps. As for the kettlebell swings I managed to get 18reps. Again if I had been feeling a little better I probably would have done a bit better. By the way that kettlebell is really that big!!

January 11, 2010

4 Rounds for time:

10 Power Rows @ 155#
76 Fist Twists
10 Kettlebell Swings @ 70.5#

I Scaled the weight on the Power rows to 135#. Power rows start with the weight on the ground in the deadlift starting position and once the weight is brought past the knees it is thrusted violently to the bottom of the chest as in the diagram. Fist Twists are when you are sitting on the floor with your legs extended off the floor and you clasp your hands together and move them on either side of your hips striking the back of the hand each time on the floor going back and forth. On this WOD I clocked 7:37. The fist twists were tough as well as the last set of power rows, the kettle bells didn't feel too bad for me today.

This week I am working straight nights until Friday morning so I should be able to update every day this week. I would like to talk a little about how I have changed my diet and how it has affected my performance and such, just in case anyone is interested.
Until next time Sean'O out!!!

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