Sunday, January 24, 2010

Countdown to Hawaii!!

Well my wife and I and her sister and husband are heading to Hawaii for some R and R. We are heading to Kona for a week. Planning on hitting some nice beaches, fishing and a helicopter ride so far. Since the nearest Crossfit is in Hilo (160 km/100mi) it's doubtful we will be stopping in.

It's been a while for a post but I've again been really busy, we had a shift change at work and I put an extra day in at the college as to not fall behind in my hours of instruction. Updating my crossfit WOD's

January 15, 2010

Power Cleans
Row 150m = 26.3 sec
rest 30 sec
Row 200m = 36.7 sec
rest 45 sec
row 350m = 67.9 sec

I got to 175# on the Power cleans, I started arm curling the weight so I shut her down. Once the bad form starts, it's good to shut it down as to not gain bad habits in oly lifting. As for the rowing I was pretty happy with the results there.

January 16, 2010

Push Jerk 115#
Knees to elbows
Run approx 400m between each set

I'm bad!! I cannot find my time anywhere. This WOD was tough on the forearms more than anything. I used a kip swing doing the knees to elbows it makes them alot quicker. The Push Jerk got heavy fast, it was a great WOD nonetheless and a great test.

January 18, 2010 

60% of 1RM Overhead Squats
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Time: 11:10 modified weight to 95#

This WOD completely kicked my ass!! First time I've done OHS in a workout and it showed the lack of practice I have had. That's the beauty about crossfit, it exposes weaknesses in everyone once in a while and when it does it really exposes you!! I was one of the worst times on this one. Overhead squats are very dependent on your mid-line stability and keeping the weight over your ankles at all times. The upper body has your shoulders being active like a shrug action and your arms are trying to pull the bar apart.

January 20, 2010

Push Press
Learning the Turkish Get-Up

Well i worked my way up to a 3RM of 175# and we learned how to do a Turkish Get-up today. I managed to get 2/3 reps with 180# but just couldn't quite get it up. The Turkish Get-up emphasizes balance, strength and coordination. It looks alot more complex than it is but a very functional movement.

So my wife and I are talking over whether or not I can get my level 1 crossfit certification. There is a certification at Crossfit Calgary on May 1st, 2nd. I could then maybe help out at the gym with some coaching and running classes. It would be fun and a good learning experience to get other point of views on different Crossfit movements. I'll keep you updated on the verdict, it'll be at least a week until my next post so until then Sean'O out!!!

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