Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Continues and so do the WODS!!

As I said winter continues, we've been below the -30 celcius mark for quite a few days now. Some days reach below -40 celcius with the windchill, so it's nice to have a warm gym to workout in!! Again as a reminder this month's wod's were chosen by the members and the SMA awarness wod is now on our schedule...........YES!! This month is very heavy workoutwise so I may be taking some extra time off depending on how my body is feeling. We have alot of "Named WODS" this month.
My last update was December 3rd spin the bottle, I took a few days off and cranked it up again with a lift day wod on December 8th which was 1RM Clean and Jerk

I managed to get to a 1RM of 175# . My strength on this lift is that I can get under the bar very quickly. My problem was getting out of the "hole" at the bottom of the squat. I am an "ass to grass" squatter which means I go really deep into the squat so my ass is only a few inches off the ground. For a while now I've been trying to stop so that my hip crease is just below the knee preventing me from going too deep. Also I have trouble with upper back strength which one of our coaches pointed out to me and gave me some exercises to strengthen my upper back up with. It seems to cave under heavy weight especially the deadlift.

December 9, 2009

Deadlifts (225#)
Ring dips

As you can imagine from the name this WOD was a killer! I modified the deadlift weight to 205# but did the ring dips (I hate modifying workouts but to keep the intensity high sometimes it has to be done). I managed to get a time of 15:something, I fought hard with the deadlifts after the 15 rep set. I'm not sure whether doing that many deadlifts is a good thing as from the 12 rep set on I could feel my back turtling. Ring dips really compound quickly, it doesn't take long before you are doing 2's and 3's.

December 10, 2009

AMRAP 20 min
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Last time we did "Cindy" I got 16 rounds. I wasn't feeling too great coming in but as the workout progressed I felt better, I just kept going and banged out 20 rounds which I was very happy about. Averaging 1 round/minute is pretty decent. The push-ups are the hardest part for alot of people, one thing that helps with push-ups is letting your body drop on the way down and not guiding it down slowly. I did this and it worked for quite a few rounds before I got really tired.

December 13,2009

95# Thruster

What do I say about Fran other than she is my least favorite female so far even though my wifes Grandma's name is Fran she's alot nicer. Last time we did Fran I got 7:19. This WOD gives me massive butterflies a few minutes before we start. This time I managed to get a time of 6:06 which again I am happy with. The worst part of the WOD is working through the set of 15. After doing the set of 21 picking up the thruster bar again it seems like it gained weight, ALOT OF WEIGHT!! 95# doesn't seem like much but for me 95# comprises about 60% of my BWT but also the range of motion on a thruster is huge, similar to the burpee. Remembering also every time you drop the bar you have to clean it up again. I fractioned the thrusters 11-10/5-5-5/3-3-3.Pull-ups Can't remember how I fractioned them. Last time I did 21 straight thrusters, I think that really killed me. After the workout I felt terrible for about 10-15 minutes, usually I recover faster but maybe It's because I'm pushing to a new level. Not really sure.

Well today we are doing "Christine" tomorrow 1RM squat clean so I will update you on how they went.

Until next time Sean'O out!!!

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