Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas!

Well Christmas is fast approaching and I actually have all my shopping done. I spent one complete day shopping which for me is usually an overstimulating experience. I'm pretty proud of myself I never lost my cool until the drive home. Lethbridge is a relatively small city with a population of 80 000 but I'm sure we've got some the worst drivers in the country.

December 14, 2009

3 Rounds
500m row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts (165#)
21 Box Jumps (20")
Time: 8:48

Well I felt pretty good going into this workout. Coach Brandt said "Sean'O this is your workout, you gotta kill this thing." He also talked over my rowing pace with me pre-wod and we settled on a 500m time of 1:50 to 1:55 average for each of the three rows. My average for the 3 rows was around 1:55. Rowing makes or breaks this workout, you can pull a sub 1:40 row but then your legs are toast for the rest of the round. Taller guys have an advantage of stroke length on the rowers but us lightweights have the advantage of the lighter deadlift.  Anyways I crushed this workout going sub 9 min.

December 15, 2009

Lift Day


I was excited about this one, I really wanted to rock this one. Coming off a nightshift with 4 hours sleep i headed to the gym excited to throw some weight around. Well i started lifting and felt pretty good, got to 175# and the wheels fell off. My form was garbage, I was trying to power the weight off the floor and wasn't getting full extension at the top. Anyways I shut her down at 175# as my 1RM. I was pretty disapointed but contined to work on some hang cleans and more squat cleans with less weight.

December 18, 2009

"Two a Day"

Interesting Poster although technically we only did 2 workouts in one!!

500 m row and 3RM Split Jerk

Greg Everett, Lifting monster!!
Ok so I'm not a huge fan of sprint rowing but man if you want to push your body to it's limits in less than 2 minutes (less than 1:28 for my buddy Mike) an all out 500m sprint row is the way to do it. I clocked 1:36.5 I had more in the tank at the end of the row, I didn't give it all I had until the last 100m, now I know I can sustain it longer. Coach Brandt said to stick the "split time" on the 250m setting for this distance, I'll try it next time. Sucks ending a workout knowing you could have went a little harder, oh well leaves more room for improvement next time.

The 3RM Split Jerk I managed to get to a shaky 155#. I probably could have done a little more had we not done the row before it. I worked for about 20 minutes afterwards on quick feet with lighter weights. I really need to work on technique of lifts but it's hard to find any time to practice other than in the gym.

Today they are doing Barbara at the gym so I may do it in the garage when I get home.

Until next time Sean'O out!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL love the pictures. Killer work on Christine, Sean, that's fire-breaking status earned right there!!!
